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Senator Creem Appointed To Senate Leadership Post

Senator Cynthia Stone Creem (D. Newton) is pleased to announce her appointment to the position of Majority Leader by the new Senate President, Senator Karen Spilka (D. Ashland).

“Senator Creem is a leader, a fierce advocate for her district, and a friend,” said Senate President Spilka. “She brings years of experience tackling issues that are important to the people of Massachusetts, and I am excited to have her voice as part of my leadership team.”

“I am so pleased with the confidence Senate President Spilka has shown in me, and I am eager to work as part of her strong leadership team,” said Senator Creem. “I look forward to helping promote the Senate agenda that I know will be responsive to the needs of the state and my district.”

Creem was also named Chair of the Senate Personnel & Administration committee, and is currently Senate Chair of the Task Force on Emerging Adults in the Criminal Justice System. She recently served on the temporary Senate Rules Committee which proposed and led to the adoption of new rules in the Senate, including the elimination of non-disclosure agreements in cases of sexual harassment or assault.

Senator Creem will also be serving as Vice Chair on both the Senate Ethics Committee and Bills in Third Reading, and is a member of the joint committees on Economic Development & Emerging Technologies and the Judiciary.

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